原文链接:Who invented functional MR imaging (fMRI)?
- 概要
术语功能磁共振成像(fMRI)通常指使用不同的磁共振技术对大脑活动进行成像。1980年代末,已经发现神经元活动区域的局部脑血流量会增加,低分辨率的PET检查已经可以在人体记录这一现象。这个现象启发已故的John (Jack) Belliveau用高分辨率的磁共振技术对脑激活成像,当时他还是哈佛大学的研究生,在麻省总院的Martinos中心工作。

John (Jack) Belliveau 1959-2014

艺术家的演奏, 来自Belliveau等使用MRI
Belliveau等使用的方法现在称之为动态磁敏感对比(Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast,DSC)MRI。当志愿者通过眼镜观察闪烁的棋盘图案时,分别采集注射钆造影剂前后的初级视觉皮层的平面回波图像。计算出刺激状态下的脑血容量,减去非刺激状态下的脑血容量,得到的功能图可以显示大脑哪儿活动增强了。
Science上这一开创性的论文立刻激发了神经科学界巨大的兴趣,随后全世界的研究机构都争相购入自己的MRI机器。1992年,基于Belliveau团队的发现,一种公认做fMRI更优的方法产生了,这项技术称为血氧水平依赖(Blood Oxygen Level Dependent,BOLD)成像,不需要注射钆造影剂,相反,它利用含氧血红蛋白和去氧血红蛋白不同的磁特性检测局部血流变化。

Seiji Ogawa, BOLD fMRI的开创者,2003年的照片
BOLD方法是由AT&T Bell实验室的科学家Seiji Ogawa与Minnesota大学的MRI研究者们一起工作时想出来并发展的。1990年BOLD对比度最早在7T下的老鼠中被发现,首次用于人类视觉皮层的fMRI激活研究是在1992年,4T下进行开关灯刺激,发表在Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA。因为BOLD方法是完全非侵入的(不需要注射外源性对比剂),允许在一次检查中进行多个大脑激活实验BOLD方法很快取代DSC激活方式,成为全世界用于fMRI研究的主要方法。
- 参考材料
- Belliveau JW, Kennedy DN, McKinstry RC, et al. Functional mapping of the human visual cortex by magnetic resonance imaging. Science 1991; 254:716-719. (first fMRI demonstration using bolus gadolinium and a DSC-like method)
- Ogawa S, Lee TM, Kay AR, Tank DW. Brain magnetic resonance imaging with contrast dependent on blood oxygenation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1990; 87:9868-72. (demonstration of the BOLD phenomenon - these were not functional mapping studies but were experiments to elucidate the nature of intracortical "dark lines" newly seen in the brains of rodents at 7.0T, showing that these were veins containing deoxyhemoglobin whose signal changed in response to metabolic manipulations such as hypoglycemia and hypoxia.)
- Ogawa S, Tank DW, Menon R, et al. Intrinsic signal changes accompanying sensory stimulation: functional brain mapping with magnetic resonance imaging. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1992; 89:5951-5. (use of BOLD imaging to demonstrate activation of the visual cortex. This paper was originally submitted to Nature but summarily rejected without peer review saying it was not of "general interest"!)
- Raichle ME. Behind the scenes of functional brain imaging: a historical and physiological perspective. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1998; 95:765-772.
- Sandrone S, Bacigaluppi M, Galloni MR, et al. Weighing brain activity with the balance: Angelo Mosso's original manuscripts come to light. Brain 2014; 137:621-633. (Possibly the world's first demonstration of the relationship between brain activity and blood flow.)
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